Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Habit Replacement

For many years, I have worked with people who have struggled with habits and addictions of all kinds.  Not just the big stuff like drugs, alcohol and the like, but everyday habits like laziness, negative thinking, and anger.  These may not be the things you think of when you talk about bad habits, but they really are the worst because they are so accepted.  It is the little habits that keep us from achieving the success we desire.

                Of course, the best way to deal with habits is to make them good ones from the start. In Scouting, the constant practice of the Scout Law and Oath are there to help establish the habits of good behavior and the understanding of the right choices from an early age. If we can get young people to learn to create good and healthy habits in their lives, these habits will only get stronger over time and negative habits will have no room to grow.

“Correcting bad habits cannot be done by forbidding or punishment.”
– Sir Robert Baden-Powell
(1857-1941) Founder of the Boy Scouts

                How does one break these habits?  It is easy to say, "Just quite" but it is a different story when you try to do it.  Many of these habits have been part of our behavior for so long we do not know what to do without them.  Here are a few simple, yet powerful steps that you can take to remove these habits and begin living a life of victory and freedom.

Don't Stop Things, Start Them
                Here is the key to many behavioral changes that do not work.  We focus all our attention on stopping the behavior we want to change.  The problem is you cannot live in a vacuum and must replace that behavior with something, so what do we fill it with - the old behavior.  Rather than worrying about stopping something, think about what you want to do in its place.  Example: You have the habit of procrastination and you want to be productive instead.  What do you have to do to be productive?  What will your life look like if you were productive?  Focus all your attention on that and start to apply what you find right away.  You do not have to stop procrastinating at all, you only have to start to be productive.

Feed Your Brain Good Things
                Dr. Robert H. Schuller said, "You are what you think about all day long."  That is a deep and powerful truth.  Feed your mind thoughts and information about the person you intend to be.  Note: who you INTEND to be, not hope to be.  Be mindful of the things you watch, listen to and read.  Keep the information you feed yourself to that which builds you up, informs you and makes you better.

Keep A Positive Attitude
                You will go nowhere if you are negative and discouraged all the time.  Be positive and enthusiastic about who you are becoming.  You will never be perfect, but you should always strive to be.  Look at your behavior as the things you can do, not what you cannot do.  Do not see the removal of old habits as restricting yourself, but rather for what it really is, freeing yourself.

Start Living Your New Life
                Take a minute and think about what it would be like to live the life you want to live.  What would you be doing?  How would you feel and act?  What would you be thinking about, talking about and engaging in?  Now, start to do it.  This is not a fake it till you make it, it is living as you choose to live.  Do not buy into the lie that you must first have a better job, different living situation, more money or things like that.  What gives you the life you want to live is inside you, not outside you.  Go for it now and be excellent in all you do.

You matter!  You matter to the world and to yourself.  Remember to be your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.

Scouting Out of Uniform is a personal blog based on the lessons learned from Scouting that relate to personal development and success principles and is not an official site of The Boy Scouts of America. John Patrick Hickey does not represent or speak for the Scouting program; however, he does completely support and encourages Scouting for both young and old. John Patrick Hickey is an author, speaker, Personal Development Coach, and proud Scouter. To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at www.johnpatrickhickey.com.   © 2019 John Patrick Hickey

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