Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The High Cost of Words

We have all heard, and use the saying, "Talk is cheap".  What is usually meant is that most people talk more than they act.  That is true.  Mark Twain said, "Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often."  This fact should not cause our concern about our words to weaken.  The greater truth is that your word can destroy you faster than your actions.  Actions are often forgotten but words never are.

                Two of the points in the Boy Scout Law is that a Scout is Kind and he is Clean.  When it comes to your words, these laws are of extreme importance.  There may be many things to look at when it comes to how we talk, but I would like to focus on these two for now in hopes that they start you to thinking before you start talking.

Kind Words
                Kids can be very cruel when it comes to the words they use.  They call each other names and say hurtful things without thinking.  The saying, "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me", is a lie.  The truth is that names stay with us for life.  Broken bones heal in time, broken spirits never do.

“Once a word leaves your mouth, you cannot chase it back even with the swiftest horse.”
– Chinese Proverb

                In teaching boys, the Scout Law to be kind, we help them to see that what they say matters.  No one likes to be called names or made fun of.  Once a boy sees that their words can cause damage, many will pay closer attention to what they say.  Likewise, using kind and encouraging words can bring healing, confidence, and friendship.

                As an adult, you would think that we know better.  Sadly, adults can and often are as cruel as children.  They just do it in a more underhanded way.  They gossip, spread rumors and lie about others.  This shows a lack of integrity and character in a person and causes more harm to the one who speaks more than to the one who is spoken about.

Clean Words
                One of the struggles that Scout leaders have is teaching young boys that swearing and using harsh language is wrong and harmful.  Why is this so hard?  It is because they hear it at home and on TV as if it was just normal talk.  The fact that fewer people are repulsed by bad language does not mean it is now acceptable.

                Adults, at home, in business, and in social settings must be aware that the use of foul language shows a lack of character and really makes you look less intelligent.  The person who cannot figure out what words to use that are not offensive is not the person you want in a place of authority and leadership.

                Be a person who knows how to use their words to encourage, show kindness and inspire.  The better your language and use of words the better and more professional you will look and be.  Let me end as I started, with the words of Mark Twain, "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

                You matter!  You matter to the world and to yourself.  Remember to be your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.

Scouting Out of Uniform is a personal blog based on the lessons learned from Scouting that relate to personal development and success principles and is not an official site of The Boy Scouts of America. John Patrick Hickey does not represent or speak for the Scouting program; however, he does completely support and encourages Scouting for both young and old. John Patrick Hickey is an author, speaker, Personal Development Coach and proud Scouter. To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at   © 2018 John Patrick Hickey

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