Thursday, March 26, 2020

Duty to Country part 2

What do you do when you love your country and fear your government? That is a difficult question. America is a wonderful country and the land of the free. However, many times our government, those who hold public office, do what is immoral, illegal, and against what we know the Constitution stands for. As a government of the people, for the people and by the people, we cannot allow this to stand.

A good citizen will not sit back and accept that they know is wrong by their government. There are several things that we the people can and must do. John Stuart Mills said, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

“Human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.”
George Washington
First U.S. President

The first thing every American must do is vote. The right to vote gives the power of government into the hands of the people. Those who do not vote have no place to complain. Voting is not just a right; it is a responsibility given to all who live free. Remember this, when you find a person in political office who is dishonest and fights against your rights; they were put there by the people if you want to see them out of office, vote to remove them.

You also can make your thoughts and ideas heard. Violence and disorder is never an acceptable way for free people to express themselves; however, sitting quietly and allowing evil and evil people to rule is not acceptable. Your duty to your country is to be the best citizen you can be and nothing less.

Scouting Out of Uniform is a personal blog based on the lessons learned from Scouting that relate to personal development and success principles and is not an official site of The Boy Scouts of America. John Patrick Hickey does not represent or speak for the Scouting program; however, he does completely support and encourages Scouting for both young and old. John Patrick Hickey is an author, speaker, Personal Development Coach, and proud Scouter. To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business, or group, visit our website at   © 2020 John Patrick Hickey

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