Be Prepared! That is the Scout motto and it is a focus of most activities. Scouts learn first aid, how to build a shelter out of branches and what they can eat when in the woods. They learn how to handle disasters and emergencies. A good Scout tries to be ready for anything. However, the most important thing that a Scout is prepared for is the future.
The principles taught in Scouting are the best preparation for the future a young person can have. They will teach the Scouts how to lead, be a person of integrity and work hard till a goal is achieved. These life lessons will be with them for the rest of their lives. They never become outdated and they always work. Scouting is not just meaningful when they are young, it is for life.
“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Many adults forget that the rules of good citizenship, integrity, and kindness apply for them too. Look around and you see people, many of great influence, being dishonest, rude and harsh, yet believing they are okay and what they do is just fine. The foolishness of our day has brought society to a new low many time over.
However, there are those who do believe that what we do affects those around us. That when we are honest, kind and helpful, we – in our own way – make the world a bit better. This is the principles taught in the Scout Oath and Law. Scouts know that not only can they make the world a better place, but it is also their responsibility to do so.
Are you prepared for the future? Not just to face the world you live in, but to change it. To make it better. You are the hope for tomorrow. Prepare today by being the person who stands out from the crowd. Allow your honesty, kindness, helpfulness, and willingness to work hard to influence and lead a lost and confused world. You not only can make a difference, but you are also the difference.
You matter! You matter to the world and to yourself. Remember to be your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.

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