Christmas is a time that is perfect for the Scout. Christmas
is a time of happiness and joy (A Scout is Cheerful). It is a time when people
go out of their way to be nice to each other (A Scout is Courteous and Friendly). Christmas is a time of
helping others in need (A Scout is Helpful, Helping Others at All Times). And
it is a time to remember the birth of Jesus, who came as a baby to live as a man and to save us from our
sins (A Scout is Reverent and Does His Duty to God).
Most of
all, Christmas is a time for doing good and to fulfill the Scout slogan to “Do
a Good Turn Daily”. Of course, Scouts do
not wait until Christmas to do their good deeds. It is a practice they fulfill
all year round. But at Christmas, it
takes on a special meaning, not just to Scouts but to all people.
Scout, or anyone really, should see doing
a good deed, an act of kindness to others, as a special gift. This gift costs
nothing yet is priceless. It is done with no expectation of payback or rewards
yet yields riches beyond our hopes and
dreams. A good deed is as simple as a smile and a few kind words, yet may be
the most important project of your life.
“The most worth-while thing is to try to put
happiness into the lives of others.”
Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Founder of The Boy Scouts
Christmas, beyond all the gifts you give or receive. Beyond the celebrations
and family get-togethers, you will
attend. Keep your eyes open and your mind sharp to see where they may be a need
you can fill, or an act of kindness just waiting for a person like you to give
it life. Be ready to jump in and do that
thing that others may not think to do. In short, be prepared.
remember that doing a good deed is not about you and how you think and feel
about it. It is about others. A truly successful person is the one who knows
that doing good is the best way to get ahead. I love the works of author and
speaker, Zig Ziglar who said: “You can have anything in life you want, as long
as you help other people get what they want”.
the best Christmas ever! Enjoy the gifts, family, friends, and fun. Do a good deed for as many people as you
can and you will be like George Baily in
the old movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, “The Richest Man in Town”.
matter! You matter to the world and to
yourself. Remember to be your best, love
God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.

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