You are an
example. Whether you are working,
playing, teaching or going through daily life.
Others are always watching you and people do notice - despite what we
may think - people DO notice what we do. At
work, people will see your work habits, if you are on time, do what you are asked to do. At home, they notice how you treat those who
you are closest to and the respect that you give to others. At play or relaxing with friends, they notice
the way you behave, the language you use and the things you do for fun. There is no escaping it, you are an example.
Success-minded people understand
that true integrity is what you do when no one is looking. Why?
Because it is part of who you are as a person. It is hard work to behave properly in front
of everyone. It takes focus and energy
to be cautious about what you say and do,
so as to set a good example. It is not
hard at all when that person you want to portray is really who you are.
Mark Twain once said, "If
you always tell the truth you don't have to remember anything." That applies to our behavior as well. If you are a person of good character,
integrity and kindness you do not have to pretend for anyone. It should always be just who you are.
In Scouting, we help Scouts
learn how to be leaders. They know that they are the ones who set the pace for
the group. If part of the group, they do their best so that the whole group becomes better. Scouts know
that they are not just Scouts at the Troop meeting, on a camping trip or doing
a good turn. They are Scouts all the time. Scouts know that what they say, do
and how they work is a reflection on Scouting. They are a Scout all the time,
in uniform and out of uniform.
Want to live in a better
world? Be a better person. Want to work with people who do their best,
give more than expected and strive for excellence? Be that person. Set the standards for those around you. Not to brag or look down on people. That is the opposite of what I am asking you
to do. Be an honest and real
success-minded person who others can follow and see how it is done.
“The Scoutmaster teaches boys to play the game by doing so himself.”
– Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Founder of the Boy Scouts
Never accept the excuse,
"Well, no one else is doing it. Why
should I be the one to be the example?"
You are an example no matter what you do, so why not be a good one. You notice when people behave badly, cheat, lie
and get out of work. Why would you think
people would not notice when you do it?
In the end, success-minded
people believe they are here to make things better. They know that they may be just one person,
but they are a good one. They understand
that by being one less problem to the rest of the world they have shown the
path to success. And if we all strive to
be the best we can be, we have made a massive change that will improve the
lives of many.
Think of the wisdom of the
famous American anthropologist, Margaret Mead, who said: “Never believe that a
few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever
matter! You matter to the world and to
yourself. Remember to be your best, love
God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.

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