Of all the principles taught in Scouting, none are more important later in life that their motto, Be Prepared. No matter what line of business or trade one goes into, no matter where in life you find yourself, to be prepared is to be ready for anything. Things happen in life, that is a fact. Some are good and some not so good, but only those who are prepared for what life gives them will come out on top every time.
So, how does a person become prepared in life? How do you get ready so that nothing will take you by surprise? Here are a few tips to help you be ready for anything:
Think Ahead
Baden-Powell called this, "Previous thinking out". That is to think about what is, could be and has before come your way. In the business world, this is thinking through a project or task before you start. What could happen - good or bad - that you can be ready for? Do you need to bring extra equipment or supplies? What kind of materials do you need for the task and have them ready? Learn to leave nothing to the last minute. The person who is prepared saves time, money and a lot of frustration.
“Be Prepared...the meaning of the motto is that a Scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise.”
– Sir Robert Baden-Powell
(1857-1941) Founder of the Boy Scouts
Know Your Stuff
Whatever your job or responsibilities are, know them inside out. Always be a student in the field you work in. Know the products, the materials, the techniques and the language. If there is a question, have the information in your head or on hand so that you will not be delayed trying to find it. The person who knows his or her stuff is ready for anything.
Learn New Skills
One of the things taught in Scouting is that you are always learning new skills. It could be to build a fire, tie a knot, set up a camp or build a bridge, but you are ready with the skill if you need it. Look at your job and think about what skills it requires and why. Learn new skills all the time, even if they are not "what you do". The more you know the better equipped you are to be useful should the need arise. The more useful a person is the more secure their position.
Know Where to Go for Help
Back when I worked in customer service, there was a rule I insisted all my staff follow. When asked a question, they could not answer, they were to immediately go to the person who did know the answer and get it. Someone always knows the answer. Find out who in your profession knows what you do not and go to them when you need to. To search for someone with an answer takes time and energy, but for the person who knows where to go ahead of time, they will never be at a loss.
You matter! You matter to the world and to yourself. Remember to be your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.

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