Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Powerful Breakfast

Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.”
– Alfred A. Montapert

Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts said that the motto of "Be Prepared" means that a Scout should never be taken by surprise.  This is not only true for those in Scouting but for all success-minded people who are working to achieve their goals and dreams.  The best way to be ready for problems is just to be aware they will come.  There are many uncertainties on the road to success, the reality of problems coming our way is not one of them.

                Knowing that we will face problems is a way to be ready for them when they come.  Some problems can be expected.  Let's say that you are in sales, you know that one thing you will face daily is the problem of "no's".  Some people will always tell you "no" when you try to present your product or service.  However, if you know that this will happen you can prepare and be ready for it.  There is much training and material available to help those in sales overcome the "no" they will face.

                No matter what business, service or occupation you are in, there will always be certain problems unique to your profession.  Take the time and identify them, prepare for them and solve them before they even happen.  Only a foolish person will think that they do not need to be ready for problems or that they will not face those issues.  Again, problems happen; it is never a case of "if" they happen but "when" they happen.

                The reality of facing problems is not a negative issue.  In fact, problems make us better.  If you are to be prepared to deal with the problems that will arrive, you must learn and grow before facing the problem.  Anything that helps us to learn and grow makes us better.  Problems help us to think, solves issues and strengthen us in character.

                What are the problems that you may face today?  Are you ready for them?  If not, how can you get ready for them?  We know that there is a solution to every problem, the trick is to know that solution before you face the problem.  Knowing that will build confidence, give you the upper hand and bring you quickly to the threshold of success.

                You matter!  You matter to the world and to yourself.  Remember to be your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.

John Patrick Hickey is an author, speaker, Life Coach and proud Scouter. To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey

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