Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Enjoy Your Work

I have always found it puzzling how people can work at a job they hate. I have heard many people, from all different areas or work, tell me that they hate their job. They don’t like the work, the people they work with or for. They are unhappy with their salary, or they fee there is no opportunity for advancement. With all there negatives, they still stay in the same position month after month, year after year. For some, it is their whole work life.

The reason it puzzles me is that no one has to work at a job they hate. We live in a country that offers limitless opportunities for our choice of careers. If there is nothing better you can find working for a different company, you can always create your job and work for yourself. People do it all the time—people who have courage, determination, and creative thinking that is.

 “A man who takes pride in his work gets a big measure of enjoyment out of it.”
Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Founder of the Boy Scouts

A mistake many people make is looking at their work as something they are forced to do. People who have learned to enjoy their work and who are excellent at their work (the two do go together) are people who have chosen what they want to do rather than what they have to do.

A great program in Scouting is the Marit badge Program. Merit Badges are more than tasks to be done or project that you earn along the way in Scouting. They give you a taste of different careers and types of paths to take in life. By doing Merit Badges, you may discover you enjoy science, or engineering, business, cultures, and even cooking. They are not meant to achieve the badge, and they leave it behind. If you find something you enjoy, go for it. You may find other badges in the same area of study. You can read books, take a class, or look into a career in that area.

The world is full of wonderful opportunities if you will only go after them. Remember that success will never come looking for you. It is not hiding from you, but you have to go after it, it will never go after you.

If you are in a job you hate or one you feel is taking you nowhere, ask yourself this critical question: What do you want to do? When you get the answer go after it. Do what it takes to get it. Never give up. It will be the hardest work you will ever do and the most fun you will ever have.

Scouting Out of Uniform is a personal blog based on the lessons learned from Scouting that relate to personal development and success principles and is not an official site of The Boy Scouts of America. John Patrick Hickey does not represent or speak for the Scouting program; however, he does completely support and encourages Scouting for both young and old. John Patrick Hickey is an author, speaker, Personal Development Coach, and proud Scouter. To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business, or group, visit our website at www.johnpatrickhickey.com.   © 2020 John Patrick Hickey

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