happy people can make you wonder. There are those people who are happy all the
time, no matter what is going on in their life. What is up with that? Some may
think that these people have a screw loose or that they do not face reality.
The truth is, they really are the ones facing reality. They know that whether
they are happy or sad, it is their choice. They choose to be happy.
Facing the world with an attitude of happiness is not a denial that
bad things are happening. Happy people choose their attitude and take control
of their lives. People whose moods change as the circumstances they face change
allow the world to control them. It is easy to feel bad and to allow stress and
sadness control your life. You have to be strong to be happy. Only those who
believe that they have the power to control their feelings can face life with a
song in their heart.
The eighth point of the Scout Law is that a Scout is cheerful. That
means they have chosen to face life with a positive and happy attitude. They do
their work with excellence because they are happy to do it. When you choose to
face each task, challenge or situation with a positive attitude you can always
do better and be better. When you see each task as an unpleasant effort and
each challenge as a personal attack you
never do and you sure don’t feel well.
“A Scout smiles and whistles under all circumstances.”
– Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Founder of
the Boy Scouts
How does one get this power?
First, you have to make the decision that you will not allow life to get you
down. Happiness is not a fleeting emotion, it is always a decision we make. We
are not happy that bad thing may happen, but happy in spite of it. When you
choose to see the positive in life you will be amazed at just how much positive
there is to see. Life is full of adventure, discovery,
and wonders that, when paid attention to, will thrill your heart.
Another way to enjoy a happy
life it to act like it. Keep a smile on your face. You can keep happy by
developing the habit of standing up straight, look up and not down and keep a
smile on your face. Mark Twain once said, "If you keep smiling you will
feel better and others will wonder what you are up to."
Lastly, keep your thought
positive and creative. Face each day as a new opportunity to succeed and to
move closer to your dreams. In short, happiness is in your control. Others
cannot give it to you, nor can they take it away. Be happy just to be you.
Share that happiness with others and you will see it grow. If you have the
choice - and you do - choose to be happy. It's more fun!
You matter! You matter to the world and to yourself. Remember to be your
best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.

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