"Scouting will open many doors to learning for you." States the Boy Scout Handbook. "As a Scout, you'll meet people who have interesting careers. While training in first aid, you might meet medical professionals and emergency responders. While hiking in parks and forests, you'll meet rangers, wildlife experts, and others who are doing exciting work you might like to learn." There is an exciting difference between knowing about a career and seeing it in action.
I have heard it said many times that young people cannot know what they want to do as a career because they are too young. I disagree with this thinking. I believe we are all born with our purpose inside of us. There is a principle called the Law of Attraction, that causes us to be drawn to those who are doing the things we were also created to do. The truth is, many young people are attracted to several different things only because they see them. If this should touch upon an area of interest, wonderful things happen.
“The ordinary man is involved in the action; the hero acts. An immense difference.”
– Henry Miller
Why do you think it is that children go through times of wanting to be a fireman, trash collector or policeman (all excellent careers by the way)? It is because they see these people all the time. They do not hear about them, they see them, the heroes in action. What do you think will happen if they are exposed to many kinds of active career people? The chances of them discovering one that clicks with them is far greater.
This is where groups like Scouts can be of great value. In Scouting young people are exposed to many different careers in life. Not just to the work but to the workers, the people who actually perform the tasks. Young people see and talk with these people and they become interested in what they are doing. The more people a young person is exposed to the more opportunity they have to choose the right career for them.
If you have a young person in your life, expose them to many hard-working people of all different types of careers. Not just to the people, but to the people actually doing their jobs. If you are a professional or have a career you love, be open to talk with young people and show them just what it is you do. Hard, productive work is catchy. Spread it around.
You matter! You matter to the world and to yourself. Remember to be your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.

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