There are
two schools of extreme thought people have when it comes to thinking about who
we are. One is that you are the center
of the universe and you have to think of yourself first. You and your happiness are all that matters and forget the rest of
mankind. The other is just as odd, it is
that you are a worm, a nothing and you are just here to live till you die. That it is wrong and immoral for you to think
of yourself and you must suffer for others in order to have any value in this
life at all.
Whether it be a big ego or a
sense of worthlessness, the wrong thinking about yourself is damaging to you
and to those around you. In Scouting, we strive to see that young people
have a healthy and honest view of themselves
and of other people. You cannot see the
world from a positive light unless you can first see yourself for who you were
created to be. Here are four things that
we need to believe in ourselves in order
to be a healthy and productive person.
“Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later the man who wins is the
man who thinks he can.”
– Vince Lombardi
1) You have value
Each and every one of us was put
on this planet for a purpose. God (who I
believe has created us all) did not have a quota to fill, neither are you just
some biological happening. You have a
purpose and that purpose is good and important.
You are here to make a difference which makes you of great value to the
rest of the world. Success-minded people
not only see this but recognize that everyone else was created with a purpose
and have great value. Success-minded
people respect and encourage that value in themselves and in others.
2) God gave you a dream
So just what is the purpose you
were born for? I believe that is what we
call a dream. In each of us, there is something we have always wanted to
do and be. It comes to us when we dream,
when changes happen in our life or when we have time to daydream about what we would do if life was perfect. You were meant to achieve that dream. Embrace it and go after it with all that is
in you. After all, if the Creator of the
universe gave you a dream, how can you fail?
3) You can do this
The whole world can believe in
you but it makes little difference until you believe in you. Know that you can achieve your dreams if you
are willing to give it all you have, stay with it and make it happen. You have to want the dream in order to make
the dream come into reality. Race car driver,
Mario Andretti said, "Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the
determination and commitment to the unrelenting
pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to
attain the success you seek."
4) You were born to be great
"You were born to win,"
said Zig Ziglar, "but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to
win, and expect to win." Understand
that you were not created to be mediocre or to just get by. You were created to make a difference and to
do the extraordinary. You have no idea
what wonderful things you can do until you step out and try. Go for the gold in life and never settle for
anything but excellence from yourself.
You matter! You matter to the
world and to yourself. Remember to be
your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your

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