Scouting Out of Uniform is a page to encourage personal development and successful living through the principles of the Boy Scout Law and Oath. Where the blogs, articles and other posts are based in teaching the Boy Scout Law and Oath, this site nor its content is endorsed or supported by the Boy Scouts of America. For more information on The Boy Scouts of America, please visit their website.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Be ready for the best Scouting year yet. Get your copy today!
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Do you have
fun at what you do? I cannot tell you
how many people I talk to tell me they hate their job. I really do believe that no one should work
at a job they hate. I know that whole
bit about the economy being bad and jobs are hard to find. That may have been true, but that does not
have anything to do with you hating what you do.
One of the main tenets of Scouting is to have fun. We try to
have fun at everything we do. I have seen first hand that a Scout can have as
much fun cleaning up after dinner as he can playing a game. Scouts learn fun is something you make not something
you stumble across.
I believe we have three options open to us
when it comes to having fun at work. As with all things in life, it is your
choice if you have fun or not. These are suggestions, but they will change the
way you see work if you follow them.
Option One: Make the job fun
You may not have the choice in
what work you do all the time, but you do have a choice on how you see it. You have the ability to put the fun in your work and that starts with
attitude. If you are positive and see
life as a gift to be enjoyed, then you will find the fun in everything you
do. For the person who lives with
gratitude and purpose, even the most stressful and unpleasant job can become
enjoyable and something to be thankful for.
It is up to you on how you want to see it.
“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”
– Dale Carnegie
Option Two: Find the fun
Everything has an element of fun
hidden in it. It is up to you to find
that fun and exploit it to the fullest.
Look around you and find the person who seems to be enjoying themselves
at work, (there is always at least one), and see what they are doing. Befriend them and share in their fun. You can do wonderful things when you start to
have a bit of fun at work. I think of
the words of an American educator, Randy
Pausch who said, "Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun."
Option Three: Go find the fun
If you cannot have fun at what
you do now, go find a job, or create one, that you can have fun at. There are great opportunities out there that
are perfectly suited for you if you are willing to find them and make them
work. First,
however, you have to believe in yourself and in them. The sports
star, Joe Namath said, "When you have confidence, you can have a lot of
fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things." Success comes to those who enjoy what they
do. Find what you love to do and then do amazing things.
You matter! You matter to the
world and to yourself. Remember to be
your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your

Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Don't put it off any longer! Get your copy today!!
Monday, August 27, 2018
You can also get Scouting Out of Uniform on Kindel
There are
two schools of extreme thought people have when it comes to thinking about who
we are. One is that you are the center
of the universe and you have to think of yourself first. You and your happiness are all that matters and forget the rest of
mankind. The other is just as odd, it is
that you are a worm, a nothing and you are just here to live till you die. That it is wrong and immoral for you to think
of yourself and you must suffer for others in order to have any value in this
life at all.
Whether it be a big ego or a
sense of worthlessness, the wrong thinking about yourself is damaging to you
and to those around you. In Scouting, we strive to see that young people
have a healthy and honest view of themselves
and of other people. You cannot see the
world from a positive light unless you can first see yourself for who you were
created to be. Here are four things that
we need to believe in ourselves in order
to be a healthy and productive person.
“Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later the man who wins is the
man who thinks he can.”
– Vince Lombardi
1) You have value
Each and every one of us was put
on this planet for a purpose. God (who I
believe has created us all) did not have a quota to fill, neither are you just
some biological happening. You have a
purpose and that purpose is good and important.
You are here to make a difference which makes you of great value to the
rest of the world. Success-minded people
not only see this but recognize that everyone else was created with a purpose
and have great value. Success-minded
people respect and encourage that value in themselves and in others.
2) God gave you a dream
So just what is the purpose you
were born for? I believe that is what we
call a dream. In each of us, there is something we have always wanted to
do and be. It comes to us when we dream,
when changes happen in our life or when we have time to daydream about what we would do if life was perfect. You were meant to achieve that dream. Embrace it and go after it with all that is
in you. After all, if the Creator of the
universe gave you a dream, how can you fail?
3) You can do this
The whole world can believe in
you but it makes little difference until you believe in you. Know that you can achieve your dreams if you
are willing to give it all you have, stay with it and make it happen. You have to want the dream in order to make
the dream come into reality. Race car driver,
Mario Andretti said, "Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the
determination and commitment to the unrelenting
pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to
attain the success you seek."
4) You were born to be great
"You were born to win,"
said Zig Ziglar, "but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to
win, and expect to win." Understand
that you were not created to be mediocre or to just get by. You were created to make a difference and to
do the extraordinary. You have no idea
what wonderful things you can do until you step out and try. Go for the gold in life and never settle for
anything but excellence from yourself.
You matter! You matter to the
world and to yourself. Remember to be
your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your

Friday, August 24, 2018
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
radio host and educator, Charles Swindoll said, "I cannot even imagine
where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given
me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun." I must agree with this wholeheartedly. Without the love and support of good friends, I don't know where I would be. It has also been my desire to be such a
friend to others and I have been blessed with some great examples.
I have seen in Scouting that
friendships are a vital part of the whole program. Boys like to have friends.
Feeling a part of the group gives a Scout identity, a sense of belonging and a
feeling of safety. The more friends a young person has the better they feel
about themselves.
Friendship is more than just the
fact you know each other. We see people every day, at work, school, church or where
ever, and we greet each other and are pleasant, but that does not really make
us friends. Friends are those who are
involved in our lives and we in theirs.
A friend is a person you talk
with, laugh with, cry with, and believes in.
Nineteenth-century English
Clergyman, Robert Hall, described a friend this way, "A friend should be
one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion
we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity." Let's look at four ways you can be this kind
of a friend.
“There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.”
– Katharine Hathaway
1) Friends believe in each other
It is one thing to agree with the dreams and ambitions of your friends
and another to believe in those dreams and ambitions. As a friend, believe in the dreams of those
you care about. Some may be a bit far
out there and you may not fully understand, but they are not your dreams to
understand. Know that your friend has
this dream and your place, as their friend, is not to critique or remodel it but to support and believe in them.
Scouts are always ready to
encourage each other to go to the next level. No matter if they are moving up
in rank or taking a swimming test, they are there to encourage each other on
and help make the process better for each one. A Scout believes in his brother
Scout and honestly desires to see him succeed. In a Troop, when one succeeds,
they all succeed.
2) Friends share their dreams
Just as you are willing to hear
and believe in your friend’s dream, allow them to be a part of yours. If the relationship is all one-sided, then it is not a healthy
relationship in the first place. One of
the marks of a real friend is that you will make each other better people and
achievers. As a businessman, Henry Ford said, "My best friend is the one who
brings out the best in me."
In the process of earning the
rank of Eagle Scout, the Scout must do what is called an Eagle project. This is
not a simple act of service. It is truly
a major project. One thing they all know is that the other Scouts in your Troop
are there to help you. The Scout moving to Eagle rank may have to design and
plan the project, but he knows he does not have to do it alone. He has brothers
who believe in him and will happily do their best for him.
3) Friends accept nothing less
than excellence
A true friend is one who knows
that you have the potential to be excellent in all you do and will accept nothing less.
I have heard many times that a true friend accepts you just the way you
are. That is not at all true. The waiter in the restaurant or the bank
teller accepts you "just as you are".
They don't care what you do or how you live. A true friend cares about you and will do all
they can to keep you from doing things that will injure your character or
reputation. Friend will always work to
help you become the very best you can be and not ignore your flaws but help you
to overcome them.
A Scout is brave. It takes
courage to confront a friend when you know they are heading in the wrong
direction. Scouts are quick to encourage and help each other along the way, but
they will also be quick to say things are not as they should be. They know that
to help a friend avoid trouble is to truly help a friend.
4) Friends are encouragers
"When you encourage others,
you in the process are encouraged because you're making a commitment and
difference in that person's life." Zig Ziglar said, "Encouragement
really does make a difference."
There is no greater gift we can give to our friends, family
or to ourselves than that of encouragement.
Sometimes it is as simple as a warm smile and a soft pat on the back,
other times it means sitting quietly with a hurting friend just so they know
you are there. If you have one gift to
give to your friends, let it be an encouragement.
I have found that Scouts often
live in the real world. They do not all come from perfect homes and have their
parents at each meeting cheering them on. They come from broken homes where
they are facing many difficulties on their own. These Scouts can be some of the
greatest encouragers of all. They know what their friends are facing and
struggling with and they also know that together, they can overcome. No matter
if their life is like a storybook or a tragedy, Scouts encourage and stick
together. That is what friends do.
You matter! You matter to the
world and to yourself. Remember to be
your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your

Monday, August 20, 2018
Is there
anything more frustrating and difficult than when you are asked to do something
and have no idea just what is expected.
I believe we should always give more to the job than what is expected of
us, however, if we do not know the expectations,
to begin with, how can we do more?
Scouts face this problem as well. They desire and promise to give their
best to whatever they do. That is hard to fulfill when you are not clear on
just what it is you are doing.
Scouting is a boy lead program. That means that young people are the ones
giving out the tasks and setting the expectations. If an adult forgets to be
clear on just what needs to be done, how do we expect young people to be clear? This lesson must be taught to the
Scouts. Leadership is an important lesson in Scouting. Leadership, for Scouts,
adults and everyone in between is not about position or title. Leadership is
all about knowing how to lead others.
“A boy carries out suggestions more wholeheartedly when he understands
their aim.”
– Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Founder of
the Boy Scouts
Whether you are delegating a task or have a task delegated to you, here
are four keys that will help the task to be done, done quickly, and done well.
Key #1. What is it the needs to be
Be clear about just what the
task that needs to be done is. General
terms might help you in telling others to get a job done, however, it does not
help them. Clarity will also help
prevent someone from doing the wrong task.
Let's say that the request is that your staff provide better customer
service. What exactly needs to be
done? Is it that they need to be more
pleasant and helpful? Do they need to
have better results in making the customer happy? In what area do they need to improve and in
what are they strong.
When working toward a new rank
in Scouting, the Scout is told just what they need to do to achieve their goal.
One of the helpful tools they have, and one of
those in business can use as well, is the Scout Handbook. In the book (or
manual if you prefer) is a clear description of what is expected and how to
reach those expectations. In business, many companies have employee manuals
that will clearly define the task that the worker must perform. If you do not
have such a manual, you should create one.
Key #2. Why are they doing it?
Let me state clearly here,
"Because I said so" is not an answer.
When people understand why they are doing a task they will not only do
it better but will enjoy the process more.
When I worked for a major outdoor museum, one of the things that were expected of the staff, from the president
down to the ticket takers, was to pick you all trash they saw on the ground always. It was made clear to all, that by doing so we
heightened the visitor's experience and we looked like the high-quality place
we were. Because we all knew this, it
became a habit and everyone gladly took part.
Scouts know that the reason they
follow the Scout Oath and Law is that it will help them to be a better person
and to become a successful person. Scouting is a way of life and to
successfully live that life, you follow the Law and Oath.
Key #3. How is it to be done?
This has a fine line that a good
leader does not wish to cross. It is
good to train and instruct people on how they are expected to do their jobs,
however, you never want to micromanage
your workers. I believe that if you can
help people understand the "why" a task needs to be done, they will
find the best "how" to do it.
People work differently and you should allow them to do things their
way, provided the result is what is expected of
Where all Scouts follow the same
Law and instruction from the handbook, Scouting recognizes that each Scout is
their own person. Each has their own
dreams and desires out of Scouting. Each has
different strengths and weaknesses. Scouting is designed to help each Scout
build on their strengths at a pace that works for them. Each is encouraged to be their best, not the best.
Scouts are not one in a group but one of the group.
Key #4. Who should be doing the
A good worker will not
appreciate going to do a job and find that someone else has already done
it. When you delegate a task, be sure to
give it to one person or one team and make it clear to all whose responsibility
it is. It is also important that you
give tasks to those whose strengths will do the best work. Never set a person or a team up to fail,
always be sure that you are getting the most from people because they have the
most to give.
In Scouting, there are many
positions of responsibility to be filled. Scouts are given a position and shown
how it is to be done. That duty is theirs for as long as they hold that
position. The positions change so the Scout can see what leadership is like in
different areas, however, whatever the position, it is theirs and they are held
to the responsibility to do it.
You matter! You matter to the
world and to yourself. Remember to be
your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your

Friday, August 17, 2018
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Oops, Wrong Group
first president, George Washington, wisely said, "It is better to be alone
than in bad company." This is a
principle that is often taught in Scouting.
Those who hang around with the wrong crowd
will soon sink to their level - no matter how moral, strong and honest you are
today. I have talked to many a well
behaved young man who thought he could influence his friends of poor character
to be better people; in the end, he becomes
more of them and not the other way
When we talk about being with the right crowd, it is not a snobbish thing of thinking
you are better than they are. It is that
you do have a better character, morals and a desire to behave in a proper
manner. The reality is, to be a strong
person of good character you must be with other people of good character. Those who keep company with people of poor
character will soon be down to their level.
The Bible teaches us in 1 Corinthians15:33: “Do not be misled: bad
company corrupts good character.” It is one of those principles of life that
never fails to be true. Scouts are not told they can only associate with other
Scouts. However, they are encouraged to be wise in their choice of friends. If
you want to be a person of good character, then hang around with people who
also want to be of good character. You will strengthen each other every time.
“95% of people never succeed because they're following the wrong group.”
– Earl Nightingale
Author/Radio Broadcaster
Here are four groups of people you want to avoid on your journey to a
great life.
Group #1. Avoid negative people
Those who are negative, angry
and defeated all the time have an uncontrollable desire to bring all around
them down as well. The old saying,
"Misery loves company" is very true.
If you have been around a negative person you know this reality. No matter who good you feel, they have a
reason for you to feel bad. When you are
excited about a victory or achievement, they tear it down and make you feel
like a failure. They are like vampires
that suck the life out of you.
The Scout Law teaches that a
Scout is cheerful. That means they are positive in the attitude and behavior.
It is hard, if not impossible, to be cheerful when you have some discouraging,
negative force on your back all the time. The best way to fight this is to do
your best to avoid it altogether.
You do not have to reject the
negative person in your life (sometimes they are family members) but you do
have to control them. Do not go to such
people for advice or guidance. Seek out
the positive people in your life to support and guide you. Love the negative person, but keep them at a
guarded distance.
Group #2. Avoid unethical people
You may have come across such a
person at work, church, school or even at home.
These are the ones who see no problem in lying, cheating, or being
dishonest to get ahead. They can make it look like a small thing and
you really are not doing anything too wrong, but you do know better. In the end, they will be caught in some way
and they never go down alone. They will
toss you over the board as fast as they
can. Remember, if a person cannot be
trusted by others, they should not be trusted by you.
A Scout is trustworthy. That
means you can be trusted to be honest, truthful and you are dependable. That is
a big responsibility for anyone. The
truth is, when you are trustworthy you will advance to places the dishonest
person can only dream of. You will also be free to live your life without the
fear of the consequences of your actions. That in itself is a great thing to
These people need you to take a
stand and directly tell them they are wrong and you will not be part of their
unethical behavior - that includes keeping silent about it as well. Remember the words of Martin Luther,
"You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you
don't say." Seek out the people at
work and other places who are honest, trustworthy and show good character.
Group #3. Avoid immoral people
Here is where it can get dicey
for some. I will not explain what it
means to be a moral person, you are all success-minded people and understand
this. However, we all have friends or
family that are living immoral lives and yet are good, honest, hardworking
people. So, what do you do? You need to make it clear what you believe
and why. Then, go on with life and work
as you should. You cannot change another
person; nor should you try. Your example may be what they need to desire
change in their life, but you also need to not be a part of their life as well.
A Scout is clean. That does not
mean you wash behind your ears. It means you are clean in your thoughts and
actions as well. Scouts are smart enough to know that the old, “everyone is
doing it”, or “If it feels good it must be okay” is just foolishness. You make
your own choices and you are not a slave to culture, friends, or even your own
body. A Scout is not just clean, he keeps himself clean.
When it comes to those who are
openly and constantly immoral, these you must not associate with at all. Don't be deceived into thinking that you can
be an example to them and help them change.
The best example you can be is to
stand firm on what is good and what is evil and have nothing to do with evil.
Group #4. Avoid lazy people
Out of all the groups of people,
these are the ones who can cause the most damage. Lazy people have no goals but to get all they
can from everyone else for as long as they can.
They are the parasites of humanity.
As a success-minded person, you
have nothing in common with such people and need to remove them from your life.
A Scout is helpful. A Scout gets
things done. They know that there is no time like the present. I mean, there is
no time but the present. Scouts do not put off for later what needs to be done
right now. Even the unpleasant jobs of life are faced with the “get it done”
attitude. Scouts may have faults and are not perfect, but one thing a Scout is
not is lazy.
Laziness is a disease that can
be very contagious. It starts by putting
things off until tomorrow and in time
will rob you of your hopes, dreams and leave you broken and useless. The best cure for laziness is that of
commitment and hard work. As Italian
dancer, Bruno Tonioli said, "In reality, nobody gets successful in America
by being lazy."
You matter! You matter to the
world and to yourself. Remember to be
your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your

Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Monday, August 13, 2018
In the Scout
Handbook, you will find the second element of the Scout Law: "A Scout is
Loyal. A Scout is loyal to those whom
loyalty is due." The this I have discovered is that this principle is
easier for young people to follow than for adults. Scouts find friendships
important and they easily assume that their friends, their fellow Scouts will
be loyal to them, therefore, they tend to be loyal back.
Loyalty can be a sticky thing for adults. For one, we do not trust people
the way that the young can. Some of that is from experiences of being hurt or
betrayed, and some are – to be really
honest – that we know what scoundrels we are and therefore we assume others are
too. Simply put, loyalty is the ability to trust, depend on and be open to
others. It is not just what others owe us, but what can offer to them as well. Loyalty
is always of more value when it is given to
us than when others give it to us.
This does not mean we practice what is called blind loyalty. I have often heard that loyalty is given to
all in authority or all in power. We have a responsibility to be loyal to our
employer, our government or our church.
That is not at all true. Loyalty
is always earned and never demanded. It
is given and not taken. Loyalty comes
from three main areas, beliefs, values, and purposes.
“Loyalty earned is a beautiful thing, but loyalty demanded is toxic.”
– Samuel Chand
1) Loyalty comes from shared
Everything we do and fight for is the things we believe to be true. We are loyal to those who share our belief
because we know that they are fighting for the same causes we find
important. When we are asked to stand,
fight for and defend things that we do not believe in, we become weak and
ineffective. Likewise, when we are
following a leader who stands for the
things we believe in, we become strong, committed and loyal to the end.
This explains why Scouts tend to
be so loyal to each other. The Scout Law and the Scout Oath are a belief system
that holds us together as a group. Scouts
are walking the same path. Yes, they are pursuing their own dreams and have
their own destiny to discover, but they all share the same belief system and
that belief system is a powerful force for good.
2) Loyalty comes from shared
The success-minded person will
not be loyal to someone who is not honest, of poor character or
untrustworthy. These are some of the
values that make the success-minded
person who they are. Many have been
asked to do things that are dishonest, bend the rules or tell a white lie, but
have left their job or position because to betray their values is a crime
greater than any they can accept.
Scout too face this pressure
from non-scouting friends. They are the same as any other young person. They
face the same temptations and distractions as anyone
else. Scouts must take a stand when they are asked to compromise what they know
is right and true. Many times, they have to say no, even to good friends. It
takes courage to be a Scout.
3) Loyalty comes from shared
It is hard if not impossible to
be loyal to someone or something that does not share your purpose. If you want to see a person of character
stand strong, give them a purpose they can believe in and stand up for. Take it away and you will have no commitment
at all.
As we have said many times,
Scouting is not an activity it is a way of life. Scouts follow the purpose of
the Scout Law, now and in the years to come. Once a Scout, always a Scout. Once
a person of integrity, you are always a person of integrity. Loyalty is the
best when it is loyalty to ourselves and to what we know is right and good.
You matter! You matter to the
world and to yourself. Remember to be
your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your

Friday, August 10, 2018
Thursday, August 9, 2018
A new Scouting year is about to begin. All the adventure and fun we all love about Scouting. In all this fun, let’s remember the foundation of Scouting which is the Oath and Law. Scouting is fun and it builds character which lasts far longer than the fun will. Have the tools to help you teach your Scouts how to live by the Oath and Law today and in the years to come. Get your copy of Scouting Out of Uniform today and be ready for your first Troop meeting. At the discount price of $15.00, you can get copies for your Scouts as well.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Scouting is
all about the outdoors. Camping, hiking,
even the simple picnics are embraced and encouraged in the Scouting
program. It is more than just the fun
you can have in the great outdoors (and fun is a key value of Scouting). It is because there are few better and more
exact teachers than nature itself. The
beauty of God's creation never senses to refresh, inspire, ignite and motivate
young men to do great and impossible
For my grandson and I, the
highlight of the summer is Scout Summer camp. A week outside, cooking your own
food and campfires are wonderful. We, (yes, both of us) learn so much during
this one week. He has merit badges to earn and activities to do. I confess I get to relax a bit more than he does,
but I still have a full schedule this week. The greatest lessons are those of
watching up close the wonders of God all around us. The outdoors just seems to
bring the best out of a boy.
1) To be refreshed
Adults who are in the work-a-day
world tend to think that they are the ones who experience stress and
fatigue. Let me assure you that young
people also have many stresses and know what it is like to feel fatigue. However, the young seem to be able to find
the refreshers of life as well and the stress points. One of those refreshers is to get out in the
woods. You can witness the beauty of all
that is around you. No matter what man
does or how clever he thinks himself to be, he cannot create the beauty of a
tree in all its autumn spender or a brook that flows lazily through a rocky and
rough path through the woods. This alone
can refresh the weariest soul back to health.
“Let the youth be taught to look for beauty in all he sees, to embody
beauty in all he does,
and the imaginative will then be both active and healthy.”
– Orison Swett Marden
2) To be inspired
One of my favorite books has
always been Walden by author Henry David Thoreau. In it he stated, "I went to the woods
because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of
life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came
to die, discover that I had not lived."
It is a sad fact, but many have gone through life without ever having
lived. Nothing can inspire us to enjoy
the wonders of life as a trip to the woods can.
The shoreline along the lake, the
path through the field of flowers or climbing a tree that has stood longer than
you, your father or your grandfather have been alive, can inspire the dullest
of men to greatness.
3) To be ignited
Camping in the great outdoors is
not complete without the classic campfire
to sit around at night. The campfire is the place of stories and deep
thinking. They bring to mind the travels
of great heroes and the amazing deeds of those who lived long ago. This remembering ignites our own desire to do
great and extraordinary things. The
Greek philosopher, Plutarch said, "The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be kindled." Start
that fire and see where it leads you. It
can burn away the impossibilities of life and fuel you to do great things.
4) To be motivated
Almost every other year, we as a
family, rent a house in the woods, usually by a lake, and spend time together
and alone. Every morning I try to be up
before everyone else and to go for a walk along the shoreline. There I think and
pray and seek direction for my life. I
always leave that time away motivated, inspired and ready for greatness. Nothing can motivate the heart to it created
calling then time alone in God's wondrous creation. I know, many say, "But that motivation
never stays long." That is true,
but we must be able to keep it moving us forward. The great motivator, Zig Ziglar said, "People
often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why
we recommend it daily."
You matter! You matter to the
world and to yourself. Remember to be
your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Get your copy of Scouting Out of Uniform at the discounted price today!
Monday, August 6, 2018
A New Scouting Year
A new Scouting year is about to begin. All the adventure and
fun we all love about Scouting. In all this fun, let’s remember the foundation
of Scouting which is the Oath and Law. Scouting is fun and it builds character
which lasts far longer than the fun will. Have the tools to help you teach your
Scouts how to live by the Oath and Law today and in the years to come. Get your
copy of Scouting Out of Uniform today and be ready for your first Troop meeting.
At the discount price of $15.00, you can
get copies for your Scouts as well.
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