One of the many great and useful lessons learned in Scouting is that of commitment and follow through. The Scout Law is based on the development of hard work, focus, good character, excellence, and determination. The motto, "Be Prepared" is the belief that when you ready yourself for anything you can achieve anything. This basic principle is also the basic principle of success in life.
Boy Scout founder, Lord Robert Baden-Powell defined the motto of Be Prepared this way: “Be Prepared... the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practice how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise.” Two very important principles stand out there and every Scout knows them well. One is: Be ready for anything. And the other: Never be caught by surprise.
Scouts are taught to think things out. They must know not just what will happen but what could happen. This practice is vital to life after Scouting as well. Success-minded people learn to think things through. They are not afraid to take risks, but they are calculated risks. Success comes by always being a few steps ahead of the next guy. That takes commitment and a willingness to do what it takes to succeed. Here are a few keys to help you be prepared.
“Success is available to everyone who commits to being successful.”
– Earl Nightingale
Author/Radio Broadcaster
Key # 1 Commit to hard work
Anyone who tells you that you can achieve your dreams and succeed in life in your spare time or take an easy way is lying to you. There is only one way to success and that is by daily, constant and deliberate hard work. Once the success-minded person understands that, they have no problem with doing what is necessary, and more, to achieve their goals. Hard work is not a bad thing to be avoided but the first and most important key to success in any area of life.
Key # 2 Commit to a focused desire
Baseball great Yogi Barra was right when he said, "If you don't know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?" A goal is a specific point that you are looking to arrive at. No one can achieve success if they do not have a focused desire to go after. It is like saying you will go "anywhere". Anywhere is no different than nowhere. I have coached many young people who say they are looking for a job. When asked what kind of job, they will tell you "anything". I always remind them that "anything" is not a job. Be focused on what you want to achieve and you will find it.
Key # 3 Commit to good character
There is a reason that Scouting puts so much value on qualities like being trustworthy, loyal, courteous, kind and more. These are the qualities of a good character, a person of integrity and solid moral values. Success is never about wealth, power or recognition. Success is always about you. Who you are, who you become and how you touch the world you live in is far more important than what you earn or who knows your face.
Key # 4 Commit to excellence
Never settle for anything less than your best. To just get by is not a goal in life, it is an excuse for accepting what others decide you should be. You were created to be great and to do extraordinary things. Don't believe that? Try and find out just how extraordinary you really are. Do everything - I mean EVERYTHING - the best you can and see if you do not go to the top in life. No one is looking for a mediocre worker or leader. Be excellent and you will see that you are in high demand.
Key # 5 Commit to staying with it
Zig Ziglar used to say, "The winner is not the one who is the best, but the one who does not give up." Success-minded people know that they can never think they have the luxury to give up. If things fail - they try again. If there is a setback - they move forward. If there is a decision to make - they make it. The one thing successful people will not do is give up. Stay with it to the end and you will always achieve the success you seek - and much, much more.
You matter! You matter to the world and to yourself. Remember to be your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.

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