“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”
– Jim Rohn
(1930-2009) Author/Speaker
I have been
asked why the Scouting program is so regimented. You have a uniform to wear, you must learn
the Scout Law (by heart) and other important beliefs and statements of
Scouting. There are many ranks and
awards to achieve with specific processes to go through in achieving them. In short, to be a Scout - a good Scout - you
must learn what it is to have discipline in your life.
Self-discipline is one
of the key principles taught in Scouting, as it must be in
life. To be successful in any area of
life, one must learn how to be disciplined.
Discipline is not correction or punishment, or even just following the
rules. Discipline is the ability to
focus, to do what needs to be done and the ability to stay with it till the
goal is achieved.
The lack of discipline
has been the downfall of many a person who could have been
successful. Thomas A. Edison said,
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they
were to success when they gave up."
It was not their lack of skill, lack of knowledge, lack of money or lack
of support, it was a lack of discipline which lead to them giving up.
The road to success is
hard and full of challenges, however, for the success-minded person
who understands the principle of discipline, it is a road they will travel all
the way through. All you need for the
journey is a dream, a plan to achieve the dream, the willingness to work hard,
stay focused and never - I say - never, give up.
matter! You matter to the world and to
yourself. Remember to be your best, love
God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.
John Patrick
Hickey is an author, speaker, Life Coach and proud Scouter. To read more from
John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your
church, business or group, visit our website at http://www.growthcenter.net or www.johnpatrickhickey.com.
© 2014 John
Patrick Hickey
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