Saturday, February 8, 2014

Let's Get Started

“A boy on joining wants to begin Scouting right away.” – Sir Robert Baden-Powell

There is something special about success-minded people, those who are the dreamers and achievers of our world.  We do not like to let the grass grow under our feet.  Success-minded people are always thinking and coming up with new ideas.  Some of those ideas are reasonable and useful; some are wild and crazy.  The thing that they all have in common is the desire to get them done.

                Many times this burst of energy to get things going is met with a reasonable, and steady person saying, "Hold on now. Don't make any rash decisions. These things take time."  Soon the energy filled, idea machine is put off and nothing happens at all. 

                The thinking is this: Good decisions are made slowly and changed quickly as needed.  That my friends is wrong thinking.  Look at the lives of successful people, and many studies have proved this as well, that the best decisions are made quickly and changed slowly.  Real creativity does not flow into the brain like a gentle stream and slowly fill it with ideas.  True creativity - creativity that makes things happen - bursts like a dam in a thunder storm, filling the brain like a flood of ideas that must be dealt with.

                I know that many of you know exactly what I am talking about here.  You have great ideas and struggle with what to do with them.  Here is your answer: Go! Go! Go!  Yes, some things take time to develop and become reality, however, that is not the decision process.  You will never develop or form a dream if you spend ages on just deciding if you will do it.

                Here are three easy steps to follow when you are struck with a creative idea:

1) Write It Down
                Right then and there write it down in as much detail as you can.  Never be without a pen and paper.  You can even have a note app on your phone.  However you capture the idea, do not let it go till later.  You will forget if you do not capture it and it may never come to you again.

2)  Start Creating A Plan Of Action
                Once you get to where you can look at what you have noted, start to create a plan of action.  What do you need to do to make this happen?  It may be to do some research or find someone who has done this before.  List all the things you know to do, quickly and without making corrections.  Once the list is done you can go back, put it in order and remove things that were not really needed.  You have a plan.

3)  Do Something In The Next 24 Hours
                Do not allow a day to pass without doing something to start you on your way.  It can be simple or complex, just get started.  Research has shown that people who allow just 24 hours to pass before acting on an idea are 75% less likely to do anything at all.  75%!  Start something and you will be more likely to succeed.

                Do not listen to those who would say that you are moving too fast.  They care about you and do not want to see you fail, but they can also keep you from your dream.  Yes, you may fail.  Chances are good you will make many mistakes along the way.  That is okay.  Risk is part of success and we learn from every mistake.  Think of it this way, would you rather make no mistakes in life and be safe but without a dream or would you risk safety and suffer a few bruises but have all you ever wanted?  I say, get out the Band-Aids - there is going to be some scraped knees on some successful people.

                You matter!  You matter to the world and to yourself.  Remember to be your best, love God, have good manners, achieve the unknown and change your world.

John Patrick Hickey is an author, speaker, Life Coach and proud Scouter. To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey

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